Our Commitment

SU brings comfort and support to SU warriors and bereaved families

Source: 2022-01-05

COVID-19 has devastated us all. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd waves have affected us all in some way or another. The Company has launched a Get Well Campaign to support to all of our employees that have lost their loved ones, the families of our late employees, and our COVID-19 survivors. Each of our employees that survived COVID-19 will be issued with a letter as well as a gift with the message: ‘’COVID-19 Pandemic has been a tough journey. Yet we rose, we healed and we overcame. Let us continue to be warriors’’. The Company has also visited all of our employees who have lost their spouses as well as the families of our fallen soldiers to give them a sense of comfort and support.

As we recover from the 3rd wave and pick up the pieces, we need to remind ourselves that life can get unbearably hard at times. But with hope and perseverance, we will always get through it.  As a member of the SU family, we should all keep in mind that the Company will always be there for us, stand by us and cheer us on in the darkest of hours.

After the rain, there’s a rainbow; after a storm there’s calm; after the night, there’s a morning; and, after an end, there’s a new beginning.

The Company would like to thank all for your diligence and dedication in trying to stay safe and following the prevention guidelines. Let’s continue to be vigilant and abide by the rules to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and prevent another wave.