Our Commitment

November Birthday Celebration

Source: 2022-01-05

The November Kings and Queens of SU were celebrated on 30th November 2021. A total of 129 employees were born in November, with 48 employees attending the celebration.

Every Birthday is special in its unique way. Our November-born brothers and sisters walked into the venue with a special touch of serenity and was welcomed by PR and admin team with soft music and assorted snacks.

Under the yearly theme of “Grow with the Company”, CEO encouraged everyone to improve efficiency and cut cost, get the Company to breakeven and rise to goal of sustainable development of the Company for the next 20 years to come.

Important business information was shared with the celebrants to improve awareness that achieving company targets requires team effort, and that we must make improvements individually for the company to improve as a whole.

In the game session, two amazing surprises emerged. All four teams successfully crossed over the landmine with the fastest team taking less than 2 minutes. This is a record in all of our birthday events! In the balloon popping game, ladies were able to win over men, testifying that women are just as strong as men.

Many questions were asked and answered in the feedback session which are pertinent to our everyday work life. People’s concerns were answered and mutual understanding was enhanced. A comprehensive Q&A will be posted on our Dingtalk platform soon for everyone’s information.