Our Commitment

Safety Awareness Week 25 – 29 October 2021

Source: 2022-01-05

With the increase in Safety Incidents, The Health and Safety Section held a Safety Awareness Week under the theme “Safety begins with me”. The objective of the Campaign was to raise awareness and drive personal accountability for employees and contractors alike. The following activities were conducted during the week:

1. Risk Assessment training

The risk assessment training is being offered to equip employees with the necessary skills to improve risk identification and control across site.

2. EXCO &HOD Visible Felt Leadership (VFL)

Visibility is key to building trust and ensuring accountability and safety. People believe what they see. The SU Leaders conducted VFL’s in different areas where they engaged with employees and contractors. The groups further checked compliance to our Safety standards in the different areas.

3. Safety Leadership Training

The VP: Mining Operation conducted training for the SU Leaders ( Team Leaders, Supts and above). The training was aimed at equipping leaders with key skills to build trust within their teams and ultimately influence Safety positively.

4. Safety Day

In remembrance of the fatality, Ball Mall fire incidents and other significant Incidents, SU employees gathered at the hard park where an employee shared her experience of being involved in an incident. The gathering was further address by the VP: Mining Operation and the CEO Mr Qiu Bin. To remember the fatal event involving Haul Truck 05 on the 29 October 2018 a moment of silence was observed at 16:09 which is the exact time of the fatality.

5. Online Quiz and Survey

An opportunity to better understand safety issues through employee/ leadership feedback. Employees are encouraged to take part in this continual improvement initiative. Participants are being rewarded with exciting prices. Survey will close on the 15 November 2021

The SSHER Department would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part in the activities of the Safety Awareness Week. Safety indeed begins with all of us. Let us continue to work safe for our own benefit and that of our co-workers.